@extends('theme.master') @section('title', "$course->title") @section('content') @include('admin.message') {{-- @include('sweetalert::alert') --}} {{ $course->title }} @if($gsetting->certificate_enable == 1) @if($course->certificate_enable == 1) @if(!empty($progress)) @endif {{ __('Get Certificate') }} @if(!empty($progress)) {{ $read_count }} {{ __('of') }} {{ $total_count }} {{ __('complete') }} @else 0 {{ __('of') }} @php $data = App\CourseChapter::where('course_id', $course->id)->count(); if($data>0){ echo $data; } else{ echo "0"; } @endphp {{ __('complete')}} @endif @if(!empty($progress)) @if($read_count == $total_count) @php $random = $progress->id.'CR-'.uniqid(); @endphp {{ __('Get Certificate')}} @endif @endif @endif @endif {{ __('Course details') }} @if($course['preview_image'] !== NULL && $course['preview_image'] !== '') @else @endif @php //if empty $z = 0; $items = App\CourseClass::where('course_id', $course->id)->first(); $coursewatch = App\WatchCourse::where('course_id','=',$course->id)->where('user_id', Auth::User()->id)->first(); if(isset($coursewatch['active']) == 0){ $z = 0; }else{ $z = 1; } @endphp @if(isset($items)) @if(isset($course->chapter[0]->courseclass[0])) @if($course->chapter[0]->courseclass[0]->type == "video" || $course->chapter[0]->courseclass[0]->type == "audio") @if(isset($course->chapter[0]->courseclass[0])) @if($course->chapter[0]->courseclass[0]->iframe_url == NULL) @else @php $url = Crypt::encrypt($course->chapter[0]->courseclass[0]->iframe_url); @endphp @endif @else @endif @endif @endif @endif {{ $course->title }} {{ $course->user->fname }} @if($course->user->vacation_start == !NULL) ({{ __('On Vacation')}}) ) @endif {{ $course->short_detail }} @if(!empty($progress)) @else @endif @if(isset($items)) @if(isset($course->chapter[0]->courseclass[0])) @if($course->chapter[0]->courseclass[0]->type == "video" || $course->chapter[0]->courseclass[0]->type == "audio") @if(isset($course->chapter[0]->courseclass[0])) @if($course->chapter[0]->courseclass[0]->iframe_url == NULL) {{ __('Continue to Lecture') }} @else @php $url = Crypt::encrypt($course->chapter[0]->courseclass[0]->iframe_url); @endphp {{ __('Continue to Lecture') }} @endif @else {{ __('Continue to Lecture') }} @endif @endif @endif @endif {{ __('Overview') }} {{ __('Course Content') }} {{ __('Live Class') }} {{ __('Q & A') }} @if(count($announsments) > 0) {{ __('Announcements') }} @endif {{ __('Quiz') }} @if($gsetting->assignment_enable == 1) @if($course->assignment_enable == 1) {{ __('Assignment') }} @endif @endif @if($gsetting->appointment_enable == 1) @if($course->appointment_enable == 1) {{ __('Appointment') }} @endif @endif @if(count($papers) > 0) {{ __('Previous Papers') }} @endif @if(Module::has('Homework') && Module::find('Homework')->isEnabled()) @include('homework::front.icon') @endif {{ __('Recent Activity') }} {{ __('Recent Questions') }} @if($coursequestions->isEmpty()) {{ __('No') }} {{ __('Recent Questions') }} @else @foreach($coursequestions->take(2) as $question) {{ str_limit(optional($question->user)->fname, $limit = 1, $end = '') }}{{ str_limit(optional($question->user)->lname, $limit = 1, $end = '') }} {!! $question->question !!} @endforeach @endif {{ __('Browse questions') }} @if(count($announsments) > 0) {{ __('Recent Announcements') }} @if($announsments->isEmpty()) {{ __('No') }} {{ __('Recent Announcements') }} @else @foreach($announsments->take(2) as $announsment) {{ str_limit($announsment->user->fname, $limit = 1, $end = '') }}{{ str_limit($announsment->user->lname, $limit = 1, $end = '') }} {{ $course->user->fname }} {{ $announsment->user->lname }} {{ date('jS F Y', strtotime($announsment->created_at)) }} {{ __('Announcements') }} {!! $announsment->announsment !!} @endforeach @endif {{ __('Browse announcements') }} @endif {{ __('About this course') }} {{ $course->short_detail }} {{ __('By the numbers') }} {{ __('students enrolled') }}: @php $data = App\Order::where('course_id', $course->id)->count(); if($data>0){ echo $data; } else{ echo "0"; } @endphp @if($course->language_id == !NULL) @if(isset($course->language)) {{ __('Languages') }}: {{ $course->language->name }} @endif @endif {{ __('Classes') }}: @php $data = App\CourseClass::where('course_id', $course->id)->count(); if($data>0){ echo $data; } else{ echo "0"; } @endphp {{ __('Description') }} {{ __('About this course') }} {{ $course->short_detail }} {{ __('Description') }} {!! $course->detail !!} {{ __('Instructor') }} @php $fullname = optional($course->user)['fname'] . ' ' . optional($course->user)['lname']; $fullname = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $fullname); @endphp @if($course->user->user_img != null || $course->user->user_img !='') @else @endif {{ $course->user->fname }} {{ $course->user->lname }} {{ $course->user->email }} @if($course->user->twitter_url != NULL) @endif @if($course->user->fb_url != NULL) @endif @if($course->user->linkedin_url != NULL) @endif @if($course->user->youtube_url != NULL) @endif {!! $course->user->detail !!} {{ csrf_field() }} {{ __('Select All')}} @php $today = Carbon\Carbon::now(); @endphp @foreach($course->chapter as $coursechapter ) @if(Auth::user()->role == "user" && $course->drip_enable == 1 && $coursechapter->drip_type != NULL) @if($coursechapter->drip_type == 'date' && $coursechapter->drip_date != NULL) @if($today >= $coursechapter->drip_date) @include('include.course_chapter') @endif @elseif($coursechapter->drip_type == 'days' && $coursechapter->drip_days != NULL) @php $order = App\Order::where('status', '1')->where('user_id', Auth::User()->id)->where('course_id', $course->id)->first(); $days = $coursechapter->drip_days; $orderDate = optional($order)['created_at']; $bundle = App\Order::where('user_id', Auth::User()->id)->where('bundle_id', '!=', NULL)->get(); $course_id = array(); foreach($bundle as $b) { $bundle = App\BundleCourse::where('id', $b->bundle_id)->first(); array_push($course_id, $bundle->course_id); } $course_id = array_values(array_filter($course_id)); $course_id = array_flatten($course_id); if($orderDate != NULL){ $startDate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$orderDate +$days days")); } elseif(isset($course_id) && in_array($course->id, $course_id)){ $startDate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$bundle->created_at +$days days")); } else { $startDate = NULL; } @endphp @if($today >= $startDate) @include('include.course_chapter') @endif @endif @else @include('include.course_chapter') @endif @endforeach {{ __('Mark as Complete') }} @auth @php $user_enrolled = App\Order::where('course_id', $course->id)->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->first(); $bundle = App\Order::where('user_id', Auth::User()->id)->where('bundle_id', '!=', NULL)->get(); $course_id = array(); foreach($bundle as $b) { $bundle = App\BundleCourse::where('id', $b->bundle_id)->first(); array_push($course_id, $bundle->course_id); } $course_id = array_values(array_filter($course_id)); $course_id = array_flatten($course_id); @endphp @if( $user_enrolled != NULL || Auth::user()->role == 'admin' || isset($course_id) || in_array($course->id, $course_id)) @if( ! $bigblue->isEmpty() ) {{ __('Big Blue Meetings') }} @foreach($bigblue as $bbl) @if($bbl->is_ended != 1) {{ $bbl['meetingname'] }} {{ __('Created') }}: @if(isset($bbl->user)) {{ $bbl->user['fname'] }} {{ $bbl->user['lname'] }} @endif {{ __('Start At') }}: {{ date('d-m-Y | h:i:s A',strtotime($bbl['start_time'])) }} {!! $bbl->detail !!} {{ __('Join Meeting') }} {{ __('Join Meeting') }} × @csrf {{ __('Meeting ID')}}: {{ __('Your Name')}}: {{ __('Meeting Password')}}: {{ __('Join Meeting') }} @endif @endforeach @endif @if( ! $meetings->isEmpty() ) {{ __('Zoom Meetings') }} @foreach($meetings as $meeting) {{ $meeting['meeting_title'] }} {{ __('Created') }}: @if(isset($meeting->user)) {{ $meeting->user['fname'] }} {{ $meeting->user['lname'] }} @endif {{ __('Meeting Owner')}}: {{ $meeting->owner_id }} {{ __('Start At') }}: {{ date('d-m-Y | h:i:s A',strtotime($meeting['start_time'])) }} {{ __('Join Meeting') }} @endforeach @endif @if($gsetting->googlemeet_enable == '1') @if( ! $googlemeetmeetings->isEmpty() ) {{ __('Google Meetings')}} @foreach($googlemeetmeetings as $meeting) {{ $meeting['meeting_title'] }} {{ __('Created') }}: @if(isset($meeting->user)) {{ $meeting->user['fname'] }} {{ $meeting->user['lname'] }} @endif Meeting Owner: {{ $meeting->owner_id }} {{ __('Start At') }}: {{ date('d-m-Y | h:i:s A',strtotime($meeting['start_time'])) }} {{ __('Join Meeting') }} @endforeach @endif @endif @if($gsetting->jitsimeet_enable == '1') @if( ! $jitsimeetings->isEmpty() ) {{ __('Jitsi Meetings')}} @foreach($jitsimeetings as $meeting) {{ $meeting['meeting_title'] }} {{ __('Created') }}: @if(isset($meeting->user)) {{ $meeting->user['fname'] }} {{ $meeting->user['lname'] }} @endif {{ __('Meeting Owner')}}: {{ $meeting->owner_id }} {{ __('Start At') }}: {{ date('d-m-Y | h:i:s A',strtotime($meeting['start_time'])) }} {{ __('Join Meeting') }} @endforeach @endif @endif @endif @endauth @if($coursequestions->isEmpty()) {{ __('No') }} {{ __('Recent Questions') }} @else @php $quess = App\Question::where('course_id', $course->id)->count(); if($quess>0){ echo $quess; } else{ echo "0"; } @endphp {{ __('questions in this course') }} @endif {{ __('Ask a new question') }} {{ __('Ask a new question') }} × {{ csrf_field() }} {{ __('Question') }}:* @php $questions = App\Question::where('course_id', $course->id)->get(); @endphp @foreach($questions as $ques) @if($ques->status == 1) {{ str_limit($ques->user->fname, $limit = 1, $end = '') }}{{ str_limit($ques->user->lname, $limit = 1, $end = '') }} {{ $ques->user->fname }} {{ date('jS F Y', strtotime($ques->created_at)) }} {{ $ques->user->role }} @php $answer = App\Answer::where('question_id', $ques->id)->count(); if($answer>0){ echo $answer; } else{ echo "0"; } @endphp {{ __('Answer') }} {!! $ques->question !!} {{ __('Add Answer') }} {{ __('Answer') }} × {{ csrf_field() }} {!! $ques->question !!} {{ __('Answer') }}:* {{ __('Report') }} Question × {{ csrf_field() }} {{ __('Title') }}:* {{ __('Email') }}:* {{ __('Detail') }}:* @php $answers = App\Answer::where('question_id', $ques->id)->with('user')->get(); @endphp @foreach($answers as $ans) @if($ans->status == 1) {{ str_limit($ans->user->fname, $limit = 1, $end = '') }}{{ str_limit($ans->user->lname, $limit = 1, $end = '') }} {{ $ans->user->fname }} {{ date('jS F Y', strtotime($ans->created_at)) }} {{ $ans->user->role }} {!! $ans->answer !!} @endif @endforeach @endif @endforeach @if($announsments->isEmpty()) {{ __('No announcements') }} {{ __('No announcement detail') }} @else @foreach($announsments as $announsment) @if($announsment->status == 1) {{ str_limit($announsment->user->fname, $limit = 1, $end = '') }}{{ str_limit($announsment->user->lname, $limit = 1, $end = '') }} {{ $announsment->user->fname }} {{ $announsment->user->lname }} {{ date('jS F Y', strtotime($announsment->created_at)) }} {{ __('Announcements') }} {!! $announsment->announsment !!} @endif @endforeach @endif {{ __('Objective') }} @php $topics = App\QuizTopic::where('course_id', $course->id)->where('type', NULL)->get(); @endphp @if(count($topics)>0 ) @foreach ($topics as $topic) @if($topic->status == 1) @if(Auth::User()->role == 'instructor' || Auth::User()->role == 'user')
{!! $announsment->announsment !!}
{{ $course->short_detail }}
{!! $course->detail !!}
{{ $course->user->email }}
{!! $course->user->detail !!}
{{ __('Meeting Owner')}}: {{ $meeting->owner_id }}
{{ __('Start At') }}: {{ date('d-m-Y | h:i:s A',strtotime($meeting['start_time'])) }}
Meeting Owner: {{ $meeting->owner_id }}
{{ __('No announcement detail') }}